The 31 day pleasure path

Walk the Path to Your Authentic Pleasure

Do you struggle with s*xual pain, numbness, or difficulty having 0s?

Or a general blah feeling about s*x when you wish you felt more woohoo!?

Do you wish that you had a deeper, more connected, and more loving relationship with your body?

Then the 31 Day Pleasure Path is for you!

For women only!

Sign ups are closed

Your approach, kindness, gentleness and delivery of the content put me at ease.


The 31 Day Pleasure Path is a guided journey happening in August

For 31 days, we are going to explore what it takes to feel more turned on and deeper pleasure, and a closer more loving relationship with your body.

Whether you are managing genital pain, issues with 0s, menopausal changes, body image issues, dryness with s*x, or anything else with your female body, this Pleasure Path is for you!

Sign ups are closed

Good things to know:

This 31 Day Pleasure Path will be held in a private, secret Facebook Group

The Pleasure Path begins on Thursday 1st August 2024, and finishes on Saturday 31st August 2024

Each week will begin with a 30+ minute live call, where I will set the theme for the week, share about your home-play practices and answer your questions. This call will be recorded and available for replays if you can’t make it live.

You will only need to set aside around 15 minutes every day to do the home-play practices.

In the group, each day I will be giving a check in prompt, where you can share about how you are doing with the practices, your insights and ah-ha moments, reach out for support from me and the community, and

The Pleasure Path is for women only…

And all of this for just $48!

Naomi is heart-centered and embodied expert on pelvic pain and imbalances.

I especially learned how to listen my body and its needs more deeply. Great information about our
bodies and self-love, whether you have pelvic pain or not.
Sign ups are closed

The 31 Day Pleasure Path is for you if:

  • You want more intense or different kinds of 0s, to feel wetter and more turned on, or to generally feel more sexy, aroused and alive.
  • You are managing genital/s*xual pain and want to discover all of the pleasure that is still possible for you – and begin to heal your pain while you are there!
  • You are done with avoiding intimacy or not touching yourself because of fear of pain or disappointment. Life is too short to be living like this.
  • You want to learn how to, or be inspired to, love and value yourself more deeply

What will be covered on The 31 Day Pleasure Path?

The importance of getting out of your head and into your pleasure, with guided practices to help you do just that!

An exploration of all of the pleasure potential of your female body (trust me, it goes WAY deeper than your clitoris), and how you can access all those orgasmic areas for yourself.

What is stopping you from having alllllll of the pleasure, turn on, and 0s, and what you can do about it.

And so, SO much more!

There will be inspiring information, practical exercises, and an incredible community of women to play in.

Sign ups are closed

Naomi Harris is an international healer, facilitator and trainer in holistic sexual well-being. She supports 1000s of women around the world every year to live courageously and find their own healing, pleasure and purpose.