Hi, I’m Naomi

I help women heal their sexual and genital pain, numbness and shutdown, so they can live a turned on life full of pleasure, passion, and epic sex

Let’s get started!

Heal your pain

Whatever your diagnosis, or even if you don’t have one, if you are experiencing painful sex or pelvic symptoms, this is the place to begin your transformation.

Your life, in a body that feels amazing to be in, is waiting for you. Book a Sensual Freedom Strategy Call and let’s see how we can do this together.

Find your pleasure

Would you love to experience more pleasure in your body, more powerful orgasms, and a deeper connection to yourself as a sexual woman?

Are you an OH YES to discovering how feeling more orgasmic spills over into your whole life? Book a Sensual Freedom Strategy Call and let’s see how we can do this together.

I cried when I was able to have sex with minimum pain.

It’s my deepest gratitude to you to agree to talk with me. I was comfortable to use words like sex, pain and what was going on. Also to be heard and to tell my pain was valid was a big thing. You definitely have a calm and healing voice which made me believe that practices which you asked me repeat everyday would help me ease the pain and it did.

I cried when I was able to have sex with minimum pain. I am very thank full to you and the work you are doing.
I still have some healing to do yet but now I believe I can live life pain free all because of you. 

Finding Naomi is the best that could have happen to me.

Finding Naomi, is the best that could have happen to me. In a desert full of pain, suffering and anxiety she still believed that I‘m not broken and that there is a chance for me to heal. I lost the hope that I will heal after 4.5 years of pain. After only one week I realised that she was right. I got a bit of a pain release because she taught me how to breathe correctly into my pelvis and gave me some advice how to get back the connection to my body.
The hardest part on my journey was that I thought there is some skin adhesion at my clitoris that no doctor believed in. Naomi helped me to deal with it. After three weeks of work the tissue released almost completely. That took so much anxiety and pain away from me.

Hi, I’m Naomi!

I believe that you have the right to a turned on, sexually satisfied body. But I also know that, if you are like a lot of other women, that satisfaction can feel like a very long way away. Are you settling for a painful, disappointing, frustrating or shame-filled sex life, or for no sex at all?

It doesn’t have to be like this.

It isn’t enough anymore for your sex life to just be ‘ok’. It isn’t enough for you to just push through the pain, to silently tolerate painful sex, or decide that sex that feels amazing is something for other women, not for you.

I am here to not only give you the tools that you need to feel amazing in your body, but also to help you know that turn on, delight, and sex that blows your hair back, is what you deserve.