Hi Beauty, I’m Naomi

Fifteen years ago, on paper, my life looked great.

✔️ I was living a life of fun and adventure.
✔️ I had a great job and a mild obsession with mid-century-modern furniture.
✔️ My friends would tell you I had it all.

That is, all except for one friend…

…who one afternoon, over a cup of tea in my kitchen, looked me straight in the eye and said ‘you’re not really ok, are you?’

She was right, I wasn’t ok. The truth was, I was using food and binge eating to numb myself, because I couldn’t bear to admit how turned off and dry my life had become.

I was completely disengaged from my body, sex was boring or painful if I even had any, I never felt pleasure, and I sure didn’t orgasm. I knew that something wasn’t right, but I was lost to know what to do about it. And every day I felt like I was falling deeper into despair.

I had to make a decision. And, with my undying gratitude to that version of myself, I did make a decision, and I chose healing.

This shot of me has been named ‘boobs in a tube’.
You can probably work out why!

I’m so happy.

Even with doing your suggested exercises only when I remember, so not obsessively, I’m feeling so bloody amazing. Wet, juicy, alive. Thank you again.
Sometimes that ‘road’ felt like climbing a rock face like this one

So, just to be clear,

When I say ‘I chose healing’, that doesn’t mean I found an overnight instant magic cure that would fix all my problems and give me screaming orgasms at the press of my button.

Instead, it meant I started down a long, hard but always, always, worth it road, so that I could find out for myself the truth about this body of mine.

This road took me to meditation, energy practices, sexual practices, and intentional movement, which together with self reflection and getting really clear about what I would love, gave me the answers that I was looking for.

But honestly, the answers I found surprised me.

When I started out, I approached my healing like someone who was broken, and I was looking for something or someone to fix me. To make all of the shame and despair disappear. That didn’t happen.

But what I found was so much better!

I am very excited today because for the first time I was able to have intercourse with complete penetration!

The pain was 80% lesser compared to previous attempts. I could feel the area getting more flexible as well. Thank you so much, it happened because of your cooperation and suggestions.

What I found was so much better.

What I found was freedom.

The freedom of pleasure, turn on, arousal, desire and delight in my own body.

The freedom of orgasm, and knowing that those orgasms come from me! Which means that my pleasure isn’t waiting for someone to give it to me.

That I can simply feel good, because I am in a body that feels good.

Because, the secret sauce that no one tells you, is that, as women, when we find pleasure, turn on, arousal, orgasm, desire in these amazing bodies of ours, it spills over into the rest of our lives.

The payoff isn’t just ‘I don’t have painful sex anymore’, the pay off is ‘wow, is this really my life?’

Feeling good in our bodies, like really, really good, shows in our hair and our skin, in our confidence and our speech.

It means that I can live my dream life, and that my dream life is actually so much better than I could ever dream!

And I know that is waiting for you as well. If ‘I just want sex to stop hurting so much’ is your starting place, that is perfect. And as you heal and find your pleasure, you might just find out that your life is so much better than you could ever have imagined.

A life where my pleasure isn’t waiting for someone else to give it to me.

Naomi was supportive and respectful and explained everything from a sacred perspective.

I felt as though I could cope with whatever arose because of the support that was provided.

Jump to the present.

I take my work seriously, and I’m on a continuing quest to live and breathe what I teach and share, so that I can be the best possible support to my clients. 

I am a living example of what can happen in an ordinary life when pleasure is chosen, and healing allowed.

As well as being a degree trained Naturopath, I have gained International certifications in Qigong, and am qualified in the Desilets Method, the most advanced and evidence based Psycho-Sexuality method available.

I am a practitioner of The Gaia Method Soft Touch De-Armouring method, with 180 hours of training under my belt, and I have trained with pelvic floor experts, in sexual and trauma healing, and in touch based and online therapies.

I have been the Director of a Women’s Residential Recovery program in the USA, walked 1000s of kilometres across Spain and Norway, gained my Permaculture Design Certification on a small island in the English Channel, and slept out under the stars in a game reserve in South Africa with the roars of lions echoing in the night air.

And throughout all of these experiences, the one constant has been my dedication: to healing and to pleasure.

Your next steps:

Are you ready to discover for yourself the impact of healing the pain and shame that you have with sex?

Because you want to have sex where you don’t have to brace yourself against the pain, just once. And then again and again and again.

Because you want to be able give a full body YES to your lover, so that you don’t have to see the disappointment in their eyes when you give that inevitable no.

Because you want to know what it feels like to not have so much shame, pain and blame, and like you are the only broken person out there.

This is how you do it:

1. Mentoring

Accelerate Your Healing

You know that there has to be something more for you than just pushing through your pain, and you are ready for it.

2. Courses and programs

Explore what is possible

You want to dip your toes in a little, explore what is possible, dream into a life where painful sex isn’t always getting you down.

3. Get inspired

Wisdom and inspiration

Listen to Pleasure Isn’t Just Sex, or read the articles, and explore healing, desire, pleasure, turn on, and all the good feelings!

Free Guide: From Sexual Ow to Orgasmic Wow! The 7 things that you need to know to go from Ow to Wow.

What you need to know to heal sexual pain, so that you can enjoy orgasm.

Your FREE guide!

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